HomeTourismTourists found a drowned man on the beach in Sochi after a...

Tourists found a drowned man on the beach in Sochi after a storm

To a wild beach in the Lazarevsky district of Sochi carried out of a drowned tourist, the Ministry of Emergency Situations reports. The body was discovered by vacationers who called rescuers. The identity of the deceased has not yet been established.

Judging by the department’s reports, two people disappeared during the storm. One of them is a man. This 24 year old resident of Krasnoyarsk. He was last seen swimming on the central beach of the village of Lazarevskoye.

In addition, rescuers continue to search for the girl who disappeared on the city’s Riviera beach. She and her boyfriend went into shallow water, but they were knocked down by an oncoming wave. The missing woman’s friend managed to stay on land, but she herself was carried out to the open sea.

The storm has now passed. Webcams installed on the beaches of Rosa Khutor, Mayak and Dagomys show that the sea is calm.

Earlier, TourDom.ru wrote that during the storm that carried away the tourist, five people were rescued on different beaches in Sochi.

Source: Tourdom



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